
Amazing how many people who are dismissive of Browser based - Unity is a 'browser based" engine and can look & plays damn well, Battlestar online was also very good. I'll definitely be checking this out and not dismissing it out of hand, the GoT world will be alot of fun as an MMO.

I'm sure Iain M Banks is petty enough to fuel your fantasies that he has the time to waist on a message board to promote his New York Times best selling books. Oh wait, he doesn't need to as they have a huge fan base already. Oh and is a best selling author - are you?

I know it's just a press release but "voice of Billy Connolly"wtf? Come on Pixar that is terrible english. Sounds like it's being read by the wonder twins - "form of water!" "shape of lion!"

"These are places we are really in everyday, it's not a cut-and-paste job on random interiors and landscapes"

indeed - update needed, and some other fact checking too but I'm sure they'll get round to it soon

it's fine as long as you just have the first film and ignore that travesty that was T2 (yes I went there, it's just wrong). Then Skynet could only send one back as thats all the power it had, a last ditch attempt to survive, which failed. Time loop, cut off from main timeline.

I think she just wants to pump the only thing she's ever had a major role in (and ever will at this rate..)

predictable obvious and totally unsatisfying. They could've done much more with it and they didn't.

eh? is this more discredited rubbish like left brain creative right brain mathematical?

15 million merits just wasn't that good apart from a couple of gimmicks it was obvious and certainly had a terrible weak ending. The other 2 were excellent though.

Split Second was done by Black Rock Studios (Disney Brighton, formerly Climax Racing)

Oh god, Garriott is an utter Loon and most likely only 10% of this is true - it's all just publicity for his documentary so he can make money. Please ignore him and maybe hius ego will go away

Watched it 26th dec at BFI Imax and dialogue was no problem from Bane so this must've happened before then.

so they pretty much force you to spend even more than the initial high cost and then screw over EU customers who know they'll want the space/economies of a larger initial card.

looks amazing! Cannot believe that the area around it is packed with people watching

should always spell it the way the interviewee does, so English spelling for an English person and American for Americans

Always wanted this game but never got it or even to play it :( too expensive when it came out for me

Love the bit when one Alien glides past carrying another alien..

Already does make sense as isn't anywhere near as self undulgent bullshittery as Lost was, but yes, if they get series 5 - make that the end or at least able to end it

wow, I want to try this. I don't have much fat but am carrying a few pounds I can do without.