
but will the iphone move? No it's just too unique.

the gallery is just a terrible thing to use now shame as it detracts from the awesome art :(

really got to mention Pulse or do an App of the Day round it as it's awesome :) - Feedly is okay but I prefer pulse.


and the whole site breaking at times depending on browser and addons, oh and not being WC3 compliant, oh and being unweildy to use and just not as good as the old one was. It's also shit with touchscreen devices.

33 random screenshots of games which have humanoid characters arranged by date. No actual progression and in some cases the next game looks worse than the previous. Terrible and pointless Especially as the last image supposedly from Crysis 2 is actually from Crysis...

Looks damn good and damn funny.

@Kevin Smith: agreed, one survey and not even scientifically done. Might as well take the piss out of americans for believing in god...

pointless crap - why bother advertising this rubbish for them giz?

Shame, that'll make getting the reactors back online harder. Still very unlikely to cause a huge disaster that some people think will happen.

Also remember as it's less dense an Ivory soap bar will last alot less than a standard sinker soap bar of the same size..

For the script writers - if you are doing doom HAVE HELL IN IT no alien zombie mutant shit.

@A Flock of Smegal's: "While we are talking about standardization, wouldn't it be nice if the iPod, the Zune, Sansa and every other PMP could share the same 30 pin connector? "

"where it will replace Enterprise (the only shuttle that never flew to space)." Because NASA didn't want a shuttle named by scifi geeks to get any glory ;)

Accelerando or Jennifer Morgue both different but good. Or Iron Sunrise is fun.

Very good news - he is a genius and a very talented writer. Ig you haven't read anything of his you MUST give him a try. Not everything will appeal to everyone but he has done diverse stuff that you should find something you like.

you put fake bones around chair legs to STOP dogs chewing them?? err...

read all the sequels. Amazing how Jeter misses the point of the film and the book massively.

Apologies for this link - lowbrow toilet humor: