
Not just the US, the lead to get this changed is actualy an Englishman. Considering every other SI unit is not based on a physical object why should the kilogram? Only the french trying to hold on to it for pretty much sentimental and nationalistic reasons.

don't think there is actually a recorded instance ever of someone being buried alive. Interesting article though

found it buggy as hell and the camera seems to screw up all the time making targeting a pain.

better for your wrists? I doubt it - too flat and no actual wrist support. Probably doen by a designer with no ergonomic input

more money than sense again...

well it's a shame, New Cap City bits were brilliant, and it could've been so much better.

@Dangerwillrobinson: yeah maybe some desert on the side, oh not it's forest with snow . The snow with desert and some water, snow, grass, desert, trees, desert, trees, snow.

god awful rubbish, if this is the future of musical TV I'm not interested at all.

Hmm could confuse it for a Xbox ! title but not even for a second with a 360 one. Impressive for the underpowered wii in some ways but still poor comparatively.

@EyeHeartPie: Well said and well stated, these supposed rules don't actually make any difference.

@theSleeper: agreed, it's a useful sensor but not a computer transistor in this form

hmm preferred the version arnie flew in the sixth day..

most xbox one games will not benefit from a HD makeover as much as PS2 games due to higher starting rez and much better textures.

Apple's marketing team is doing damn well isn't it?

now Tom Baker needs a role.. Oh I do vote for Brian Blessed as Beorn :)

well named... he is a total one

@revdrkevind: yup. If any of this is true it sounds terrible and Ridley has truly lost his way (mind you we knew that when he started developing the Monopoly movie). Mind you the casting lend this rubbish credence so...

The rhythm method? Not even a good form of contraception. Idiot.