
@Rev Slow: Apple has worked to keep pricing affordable?? Now thats just rubbish. I can see them not going for an unproven service , but actually saying you don't want a monopoly is supporting UV as this won't be a monoploly as one company not in charge, unlike Amazon/Apple.

"Disney and Apple are not onboard. They're happy with the status quo as it stands."

why does the idea of mosquitoes with a super boosted immune system scare the crap out of me?

damn it was great fun

he said how Bobby Kotick had handled stuff "was like a total prick" he didn't actually call him a total prick.. it's a subtle difference but they aren't the same thing.

make a kinect version please :)

it was and is a great idea and damn good fun. BRING IT BACK!

as long as that has the rumored bundle of 6 games too it's just about palatable but still too expensive MS!

sweet - myphone is already excellent

@RainyDayInterns: $500 a hard nut to crack? No, I think it'll be easy - most tablets will be out for $400 or less.

oh god - there goes my evening, I've started Goats from the beginning..

having dealt with a fair few folding bikes, this will break within days. Sorry, nice idea but in the end won't cut it as a proper bike

like the way you can see the snail clearing the depositis on the glass - could do with another couple in there :)

the 'Doctors' who did this should be struck off now, banned from practising medicine for life.

@Nobuyuki: Fahrenheit better how??

@shibbybypass: other people can bundle it with voice recognition, just the Kinect stuff is MS owned

@shoutanenjeru: ther is NO differnece really between a Home theatre PC and a desktop, the Windows OS is even the same so basically what you are saying is rubbish and just pointless MS bashing, sorry.

Fillon ia Ant Man could work, Eva as The Wasp? err no. no no no.

@KingDarian: I was more pointing out the BIG XBOX button so I don;t think thats the PS3 controller...