
it's a brilliant game, well worth playing if you haven't

wow, that was so... pointless.

weird and rather crap. Pass

Just no style at all. US fail, real shame that the us corporate perception of their customers is so low that it just reinforces the stupid dichotomy of America and it's love/hate issues with sex.

or just playing a finger controlled game as iphone isn't the only thing that can do that, not that Apple's reality distortion field will people think any different.

have this phone on T-Mobile in the UK. It's more than awesome. est phone I have ever used and so flexible. Yes it's winmo but that means great exchange compatibility, millions of apps you can install how you like without having to use someone's store, the best phone backup system for free (Myphone).

and this was intended to take down a plane? I;m no expect but not a hope in hell ever. Even perfect conditions. Nope not going to happen.

I'd like to add another voice to the Children of Men shout out. Really REALLY should be on there so much so than Spidey 2 or Donnie Darko and especially Slithers (b-movie nothing more sorry)

@fuchikoma: the GT-R is a reward in the single player actually.

Woo pretty but utter tedium can be enjoyed again

@ThreeOneFive: oh come on played both through on PC and loved em. FPS's can be fun on console and a nice quick coop sessions with my mates on live would be great fun

I'll be hoping for a double pack on Xbox live of both together :)

aww - Good taste :D

@The Whaleman: it's all BBC 1&2 programmes from the last 7 days plus a load from their other channels and al load of other stuff that has been on BBC. On demand. Anytime you want. It's excellent

@Sutekh_Slain: well for one iplayer is TV on demand so you can watch what you want when you want.

MS should allow UK silver subscribers ONLY to view it for free. I don't really se a major issue here so hopefully they will sort it out.

@kyle4: yeah I agree, have some talent and have produced the occasional good thing but 98% of their output is mass market crap with very little creativity or originality and ONLY care about the money.

Tony Hawks talks up sequels that could use his controller to get people to buy it as otherwise it'll end up not selling well..

he was and is a fopp, he's more and less than you'd imagine. But like so many other categories, Jerry Cornelius fits well

Oh and to those who hate Anderson - Mortal Kombat the film was one of his and actually it was BETTER than the game. Not to mention he did a great job with Event Horizon, shame he had to actually physicalise the mental stuff at the end not just leave it in their heads