
my god those hats look monumentally stupid - thats a reason not to preorder...

I was there and here is the TRUE STORY:

@golguin: nope - looks a lot like a trannie

@CriminoleLaw: I agree, less magic but weird science experiments, tesla coils, genetic mutations/grafting etc now those are ok.

DS please.

@GrimCW: They are the living dead. Dead but just haven't stopped moving as it were so hell yeah it's Necrophilia.

I'd get a bigger one but not by much.. in Tokyo can't you ONLY buy a car that fits what parking space you have and no bigger?


looks good I'll admit but looks also very single player (wtf??)

The server merge is a good thing and all it shows is that Funcom botched the launch (which we knew)

if they are cheap - I'm in.


good game and definitely much more they could do with it.. who owns the IP as I thought Realtime didn't want to do a sequel so if MS buys it off them would be great..

@Neko_Tech: Lineage II engine? Oh yes you mean the Unreal engine.. thats a horrible thing, glad no one uses it...


in some ways YAY! - but still worried that it'll be rubbish..

it looks very persian.. really. Like about as persian as Jake Gyllenhaal. Heh

Christmas? It's still nearly 2 months away.. the charts will get worse before then

It's a great little game and I think the free trials are now 14 days. Anyone who thinks it doesn't take skill and tactics to actually play it well hasn't played it since before the launch, not to mention since the huge amount of tweaking and improvements it's had.