
It is not at all about her spending time gaming its mostly about the stupid comments she makes.

Wow with the shuff she says she doesn't deserves a seat in the senate she sounds completely retarded and unprofessional. What she says isn't normal lol!

Who cares? Every game nowadays has stuff like this. Nothing to see here folks.

Lmfao do you know history at all? Like seriously? We have tornados, earthquakes, hurricanes and for wars? We were in WW2 like seriously wtf are they teaching you in your schools over there because there wrong.

No it's not wtf don't read this dumbass's comment.

No you were lied to and were to stupid to figure it out.

GTFO with your memes.

Wow dude you got butthurt pretty bad and you obviously didn't watch the whole video. Next time watch the video before you make yourself look like a bitch and dumb.


Panda's? Seriously gtfo.. WoW has been laid to rest with this expansion.

This just shows how terrible MoP is.

You have never seen the show cribs then.

Liberal media brain washed your brain out. Go bang your head on the desk several times to treat it.

And thats how we like it.

PS3 is the same shit different console so don't play that shit like it is just Xbox live.

Guy who made this article is an idiot. There are so many uninformed people in this country who don't know what and why they are voting. As an independent I support what Microsoft is doing.

This looks like a kickass game. Looking forward into the development of the game.

You are just butthurt. Everyone knows that Starcaft is the shit and defines the genre. C&C and AoE2 are good games but starcraft is a better game.

I agree with you. Anyone complaining that has good specs and is having trouble bought junk parts for there computer. I have an old 2009 computer and plays everything on high settings. 0 Problems.

As an independent it is fucking DISGUSTING to see how corrupt the fucking liberal media is. Idfc if people say fox is a bunch of bullshit 9/10 they are watching these liberal dumbass networks. Makes me glad I don't watch news on the TV.