
Evan Narcisse shut the fuck up communist bastard.

Lawl Kotatku pushing there Libral agenda once again on a GAMING news website.

Well goodbye liberal shit site Kotatku and hello IGN!

You are sooo late Kotatku.

Dude this game and mech warrior WAAAY over hyped. I can say that because I have played both.

See I told you guys fox news wasn't alone on this. Dumbass Kotatku. :D

Lol all the new networks blame games nothing new here. Just kotatku dipshits trying throw shit around like most articles here. Fuck this site im so close to getting my news from just IGN and other sites.

Big fucking woo?

LOL um no its not. Just because you can buy to get in doesn't mean its free. Its a F2p game and kid just deal with it if your a little pissy league player.

No other game matches Half Life 2 deal with it.

Michael Peck just keep your mouth shit kid because you have no idea what he has done. He turned the war in Iraq around so just shut the fuck up. Tired of dumbass articles on kotatku like wtf about to go somewhere else for gaming news if I keep getting shit like this handed to me.

Um wrong Obama wants to extend the bush tax cuts and raises taxes doesn't help the economy. You really have no clue on what you are talking about. Lol

For the people bashing Eve Online your an idiot. Its an mmo special mmo experience that no other game can provide. It is truly one of a kind and a great game. People who say its a Microsoft excel online have no idea what they are talking about nor played the game. Plus its the only mmo whos subs keep growing.

It is by no means pay to win. LOL? And no its not unplayable without some absurd PC specs. Get the fuck kid.

It was so obivously made by a redditfag.

Not new there is America's army. You can tell that the liberals don't like the Jews. Yeah fuck Hamas your an idiot if you side with him. He HATES YOU. Israelis like democracy and share the same views. If you are spoon fed hate from the liberal media stop watching. Israel is important. Hamas is an asshole who uses his

Meh just a rehash of old stuff nothing new. And its really showing its age.

Yeah right. You obviously never pay attention to game prices. Best selling games take years to go down in price.

Its 2 game dumbass. Lol wtf learn to read.

Im about to find my gaming new elsewhere because im tired of the liberal idiot editors here. God I hope Obama gets impeached over Libya.