
Lol. I feel this comment is a bit under appreciated over here! I mean, seriously, you just gave her what she wanted!

Yeah, and I liked the comedian (can't remember his name, but VH1 loves him) who was actually on the ledge and helping Jim Carey with the lyrics :)

Lol. It's called "popping the clutch" when you start a manual transmission that way. Glad you were ok :)

Yeah, I read it as only one flight from the originating airport. For example, there is only one flight to Chicago's Midway from Logan daily, but of course Midway receives hundreds of flights per day from other locations.

<i>While I agree that she was justified in pushing him, the consequences of shoving him were entirely predictable. And thus avoidable. </i>

My husband has a "manly" pinterest with power tools, composting stuff, and backyard project/gardening ideas. I'm a big fan of getting other guys and gals with similar interests on pinterest for more diversity, so to speak.

Idk, is it freedom, or is it more like individuality being championed?

Ugh, I remember that like it was yesterday. Clear Choice felt that DC101 would be the only alt rock station in the market and pulled the plug, IIRC.

Oh gawd, laughing @ the cat tossing!

Thank you for posting this! I was thinking about it myself because I feel this movie is relevant and way underrated. And um, I can't believe that's Chris Evans (aka Captain America).

I think the puppets are from Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. Didn't he come into his house and take off his sweater?

Ha! I had a thing for Harrison Ford...when I was like 9.

There was also The Big Bopper would you could special order. I know this because of a childhood NKOTB obsession, I'm afraid.

This would make total sense if men could biologically carry, birth, and nurse babies. Or if gestation, birth, and recovery were a quick, effortless situation.

I love this. Especially the reference to "I'm not going to pay a lot for this muffler".

I grew up in the 80's and 90's and my white Jewish family loooved 227 (and to a lesser extent, Amen) in addition to the ones you named.

Please no, don't touch the pics of homemade baked goods! Some of us who are cutting back the carbs need to look at some brownies...um, longingly {scurries off to pantry}

It took the internet? I would say WWII. And humanity *still* hasn't learned the lessons from that one.

Did you see the movie Bernie? I actually wasn't a big Jack Black or Matthew Macconaughy fan, but they were both amazing in this.

He was on Epic Rap Battles of History! ETA: Can't reconcile DNS...not sure what to do!