My man got assassinated mid-post.
My man got assassinated mid-post.
“Brilliant Rot” sounds like a hardcore punk band.
This isn’t unexpected... Insurance companies are FOR PROFIT... When California doesn’t allow them to raise home insurance costs to cover the expensive wildfire damages in the last decade, they’re gonna try to raise other costs to cover that shit.
I don’t care about the specs. I don’t care about any details. At $5,500 this is fuck around money and I’m excited to find out, even if it kills me.
I learned to drive on my parents’ 74 Comet in ‘77 or so. 4-door A/T, but actually in green. (Not far from the color of Comet cleanser, in fact). As a 16-yr old is prone to do, I beat the shit out of it. The ultimate failure, though wasn’t the engine or transmission. Around 5 years/80,000 miles it started handling…
It’s not just you, but I don’t feel that way. When I finish building something with Legos I don’t play with it. I just want to build something else.
I like this truck a lot but that driver’s seat alone tells me this is not a $17k vehicle.
Do GMC’s really get higher quality interior materials vs. Chevy’s? Also, how’s that high-end interior going to hold up to all the mud you track inside after hooking up some tow straps to help out a friend?
Back in the day (early 90's) when I worked at McD’s, the onions on the 10:1 patties, for regular burgers and Big Macs, where added directly to the burgers once flipped. It seems they went away from this at some point, and now it is back.
Then it would be your fault for whoring about elsewhere.
Speed holes, makes it go faster too.
In Canada the movie is titled “Polite-fellas”
came here for this, was not disappointed
It may sound like something out of a B movie, but this really happened.
I wish I had this phrase when I was 10 year old:
“Rapid unscheduled disassembly”
It has an evil clown smile on it. Kinda like The Joker in some runs of Batman.
Plus several dozen points for sneaking in “dissuaded”.
As an owner of a 2nd gen Mazdaspeed3, I’ve always described the grinning grill as a preview of the guy behind the wheel