Like all "Next Corvettes" it will be mid-engined have 1,000 horsepower and cost $25,000.
Like all "Next Corvettes" it will be mid-engined have 1,000 horsepower and cost $25,000.
Today is Memorial Day here in the U.S.. For those of you living outside our borders and unfamiliar with the holiday, it's a day in which we honor those who served our country for, most likely, kicking your country's butt. Yeah, we've been in fights with pretty much everybody - and we're not liking that stink-eye…
I thought this much assholeness in one place would cause some sort of black hole to form. Should I be worried?
Wow! A million dollars profit? How?
Pro-drifter, otherwise known as a hobo?
Man, if there was ever any better reason to form a sub-brand...I can't think of one. There's clearly money to be made for BMW selling cars like this, which is fantastic, but it seems it really does tarnish BMW's image. Create a sub-brand that is affiliated enough with the Mothership to benefit from its brand…
In the truck drivers defence, the signage is pretty poor. You need some kind of eagle eye to spot that clearance sign and be able to stop your rig in time. It's very close to the overpass and theres a great deal of vegetation around it. Surely this guy cant be the first to smash his trailer against that overpass, and…
The pipe twisting through the engine torquing in it's mounts is cool.
this really is dumb. I had an 00 Crown Vic that did the same thing...had amber lights in the tails but didn't do anything...
Jay had better be careful as the Sultan controls the world's largest supply of denim.
Fiat Is an Answer Too?
looks like its understeering while standing still
I'd rather they sent the Beibs to space. and LEFT HIM THERE.
Somehow I doubt the owner touches the car until it is idling outside the clubhouse. Then he just drunkenly smashes it into a tree and leaves the scene on his helicopter.
My grandfather has a 1980s Chevy Beauville full size van. It's massive, heavy, steers like a sailboat, it smells funny, and you get the runs just looking at its two-tone brown paint. But driving it is a huge laugh, as it's size is comical and it's steering is insanely loose. And I love it. I don't know why, but I love…
Definitely this 79 Lincoln Continental Collectors Series. 0-60 in "why the hell would you want to go 60, the speed limit is 55?" So long it doesnt fit in a standard garage, so wide its a nightmare to park. Driving it is like riding a horse in that you always realize that youre not actually in control of the beast. …