A centrally determined set fee for specific services. Terrible for the auto repair industry. But maybe perfect for our health care industry?
A centrally determined set fee for specific services. Terrible for the auto repair industry. But maybe perfect for our health care industry?
RE-71Rs were a dead giveaway of your autocross intentions.
Burt Reynolds knows how great it is. Burt Reynolds knows everything.
35-45% more efficient than 2008 engines? Or should that be 2018?
In those times I try (try) to remember this video, which shows how much a plane’s wing can actually take before destruction. It helps a bit.
Or a half a well full of pictures of bottomless women?
She could have a face like a monkey’s ass for all we know.
I don’t know. I can’t stop looking at DAT ASS long enough to figure it out!
Not sure! It’s a 2014 so it’s before the first restyle. It’s probably less pronounced because it’s black.
Wow seriously? That’s much higher than I would have imagined! I remember reading a review of the Vibe GT once (basically the same car). They pointed out that if Burt Reynolds had that Pontiac instead of the Trans Am, it would be quicker to 60, faster, roomier, and much better fuel economy. Goes to show how far things…
Yea that doesn’t sound right!
That sounds great. Is that SCCA Solo? What class are you in? I do that down in South Jersey (Atlantic City). That course looked very open. We usually have lots of slaloms to slow things down a bit.
Ah crap. You already got this one.
“...all four players had been released.”
There’s a guy in my SCCA region Solo who drives a Noble that makes that same noise. Sounds like a space ship. I understand that’s not a good sound if you’re worried about turbo longevity (BOV too tight or something?).