
I love you a little.

This is wonderful example of the best of Catholicism. Not every one in the church is a pedophile, woman hating asshat or judgmental homophobic moron. Yes, there are a lot of things that need work, but change is coming in the form of nuns like these and the parishioners who support them in their work. I love that

Yes. This is why I still support my church. The good that it does every day. The Catholic church has it's faults, but nuns and other people in the church are working to make changes for the better.

People see to have the impression that all Catholic priests and nuns are mindless judgmental slaves to the Vatican. They're not. They are human beings with thoughts of their own. I have been attacked by people who say that I am aiding and abetting baby rapists and woman haters because I still go to mass. So much

Thank you.

Gossip Cop is owned by Summit. They always debunk these negative stories about Stewart and Pattinson. :)

Not true. Twenty years ago our parish priests here in northern California told couples taking marriage preparation classes that birth control was a matter of conscience to be decided between husband and wife. From first hand experience gathered from over forty years as a practicing Catholic I can tell you truthfully