
Ditto. It depresses me that the norm is sex after 3 dates-ish, at least among most of my non-religious friends.

I was trying to put my thoughts together, but your summary just about nails it. I will add: the doors. Who in holy hell thought it was a good idea to design subway car doors that render an entire train inoperable if someone tries to hold the door as it's closing?

You haven't lived until you've taken a hot train on a sweltering DC summer day. The VERY BEST THING about hot cars is that they remind you that the train cars are, in fact, carpeted and upholstered.

I learned through my attempt at online dating that I am a massive grammar snob and should not attempt to meet people via their written profiles. I spent far too much time dismissing typos, bad grammar, lazy writing, and dullards who might not have been stupid/lazy/dull in real life. I was a judgey judgeypants,

I'm definitely more comfortable now than I was at 24. And I really do think that owning my own sexuality was a big part of that. Scratch that, becoming a feminist was a big part of it.

All right, your first point is entirely valid. I should have been a more thorough Googler.

If the Redskins name offended enough people that they made less money, I am sure it would change very fast, but, that hasn't happened yet, and in my opinion never will.

Not weird. I'm nearly thirty and in the same boat, with one exception in that I've been kissed once and it was like having a small octopus surgically attach itself to my face for five minutes. That was 7 years ago and I haven't wanted to be kissed since. Last week a different guy tried to kiss me while I was having a


It's very distressing for me to go into my kitchens and I hear what these young people are calling each other. It's very very distressing.

Tiny blue running guy is making me so happy.

I was going to go to bed. Then it seemed like it was over. Then West and Watson stepped in. Two hours later, I am wide awake and my Wednesday productivity is ruined.

It's after midnight. Did we win?

What is happening right now? Is it over? Are there 5 minutes left? I am sooooo tense/confused!

Obviously Wendy is my main hero, but these guys are awesome.

Sigh. Well that's no more than I expected. Good on you for fighting the good fight. Maybe in time he'll come around.

Exactly. Did you get his take on that? Did he think that his methods would lead to a real relationship, or was he just looking for something physical for that night alone?

Recently I was at a barbecue with about 10 people (mostly strangers) and halfway through, one of the guys decided he was interested in me. I could tell immediately, because it went from 10 people having a conversation to 9 people having a conversation and 1 person flirting.

As the article says, this is going to be extremely difficult for them to enforce, but I'm glad they're at least willing to acknowledge that it's a problem and take measures to punish soldiers who rape civilians and enemy combatants. Meanwhile, in the US we're still trying to get our own soldiers not to rape people
