
“when your little girl
asks you if she’s pretty
your heart will drop like a wineglass
on the hardwood floor
part of you will want to say
of course you are, don’t ever question it
and the other part
the part that is clawing at
will want to grab her by her shoulders
look straight into the wells of
her eyes until they echo

"A time of great uncertainty about one's own identity, it turns out, is not a ideal time to try and be a fun and carefree casual sexer."

I know I've said this before, but this James Deen crush of mine is getting way, way, way out of control.

“They’re put on Craigslist all the time when they don’t lay any more,” said Coston, 48. “They’re dumped all the time.”

Bow down, everyone to the O.G., the Empress Queen of Bitchy Resting Face.

I fell into bed with the most delicious boy in my early twenties... Things were going well, nudity ensued.. and then EVERYWHERE i touched him, he needed to give commentary..

Fuck Social Media, and here's why:

You're missing a whole major category of carb: beer.

I really appreciate all the wonderful people out there who try and do their best by everyone and everything- for people and animals.

I'm just glad that so many people have so many different concerns that large varieties of wrongs have people working on them.

Disparaging a man's dick size isn't like disparaging a woman's vagina size, but it is like calling a woman fat or ugly. It's the the go-to ad hominem gender attack because dick size is tied to masculine worth in the same way that beauty is tied to feminine worth.

Please pardon my ignorance, but does the "y" in womyn signify something specific? Is it just an alternative to the -man or -men spellings or is there more to it?

....what? How is this not considered a mental illness? How is no one getting this guy help?