
This. I don’t want to pay money to make my game experience more unique or to liven things up a little when they get stale. This is why I have not bothered purchasing a Dead or Alive title since 3 because the downloadable DLC has become obscene. It used to be that the type of outfits you pay money for were things you

“It’s only cosmetics” has never held water for me. I like cosmetics. They’re important. They are a part of the game I enjoy, and just because some people don’t care, doesn’t mean you can nickle and dime on something I do enjoy. I am absolutely fine with paying for more video game up front. Been buying games with

Agree on being bored of these defences. Theres not really anything new to add here, same old stuff about “games are unsustainable” as id the industry isn’t richer than ever.

With the caveat that harassing developers is NEVER okay and anyone involved with it should be utterly ashamed, and that much of the furor over this game specifically was done by misogynist gamergate assholes...

...I am getting completely sick of seeing microtransaction puff-pieces. Especially from an outlet that put

We don’t have anything other than highly vested participants’ takes on this option.

I hope that shilling and defending those multinational corporations are paying you well for that white knighting. Just remember, they wont give you free games for doing so.

Ninja Theory, CD Project Red and other developers would like to disagree. They dont seem to be having trouble making money by delivering games without micro-transactions.

Or games lower their dev cost. Scale back on some features.  Don't make those bleeding edge graphics.  

I fully support the message about harassment ... the microtransaction apologism, not so much. After 10 years of increasingly predatory monetization the “you don’t understand the videogame industry”and “it’s just cosmetics” excuses are hollow.

Just so I am understanding the comments correctly:

What are you doing to your controllers.

To be completely honest, I’m not a fan of a lot of the art direction and weapons. It’s impressive but I’d prefer the elegant simplicity of the original Halo, personally.

All I ask is that they do the utmost to keep faithful to the 1930s animation look, and resist the urge to make it look like a Cartoon Network show.

[Plays the world’s smallest cum-stained violin]

It’s definitely not anime style.

Calling it anime here is weird. It’s western-style with English subtitles on an English blog drawn by, based on the name, probably not an Asian person. I’m not saying cartoons aren’t anime. Bugs Bunny is anime. If you’re speaking Japanese, it will be referred to as anime and not some katakana version of cartoon

Others are citing how strange it is for players to be complaining that women might be added to a game where frying pans do more damage than pitchforks.

You mean like homo sapiens, homo erectus? THats messed up man, better get on twitter and let the world know you won’t stand for the latin word meaning “man” you uneducated idiot. 

I wish the rest of the websites under your umbrella would follow the same review guidelines Kotaku does.

huh it’s almost like when they had an excellent fantasy series to adapt they were able to do so pretty faithfully, but once they ran out of books, the same people who brought us X-Men Origins: Wolverine were not able to deliver and reverted back to their usual shit.