
They were just pullin for their team.

My parents were rabidly anti-gun and wouldn’t even let me play laser tag with the other kids if the “guns” had a trigger.

That’s the quitter’s way out.

It’s not a myth, just misinterpreted.

oh, so It’s a fantasy game about imaginary world where gender pay gap myth is a reality.

its an open world rpg-ish game. its the elder squirrels.

Then developers need to stop using that term when they actually mean cancelled...

It doesn’t explicitly mean that, but it means (at least in this case) that something has gone very wrong, which is a worrying thing.

Hmm... So it’s better to limit free speech by taking away words and phrases because someone else will have hurt feelings? Or have to deal with something they don’t want to?

When you have to inform people about the “racist” origins of certain phrases, then they are likely no longer offensive or racist in meaning. So there’s really no reason to police them in the first place, unless you’re just looking for attention.

That’s not how it works. Litigation is not a single thread processor.

Whatever happened to “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names will never hurt me”?

... uses latin for no reason then proceeds to call someone a showoff

Endless TrASH!

Fuck You it’s January!!!

What is wrong with people today who apparently have never heard of context? It was a different time, with different social norms. You can’t judge all of history through the lens of current society. It’s not only foolish to try, it means you will never understand the past or the present.

Casual sexism? In the 1910s?

I might be giving him the benefit of the doubt but it almost seems like he was upset that when they were playing, the opposite gender took no interest in his games and opted to talk and disrupt it instead. Therefor his description states that more "open" and "fun" females might be interested in this game since the