
Fine. Here’s more Bowles from the same story I linked in that quote:

I played right field in little league.

I can’t even tell the teams apart because of those stupid fucking uniforms.

What’s worse is that if he were allowed to attempt an NFL career before coming back and coaching prep players, he’d be able to pick the brains of some of the best coaches in the world (unless the Jets or Jags got him). It would function as a Master’s class for him to improve his football acumen, which makes him a far


ETA: How your source link defines war crimes used in the article would make Clinton, Bush, and Obama war criminals as well.

+1 more round of Samsāra

I am truly a peaceful man, but once I am provoked I become an animal.

“more than half of us”

You “have to read” this? Someone forced you to click on this article and read it? Fuck off

You and I must know very different Democrats. The Democrat voices in hearing aren’t defending Comey but are instead pointing out the flaws in Trump’s motivation for firing him. I’m not alone in thinking Comey is incompetent, but it is a bad sign when the President fires a non political official from a ten year

I too think it is hilariously hypocritical the way people have different reactions to varying stories.

Comey is not good. Trump firing him during the course of an investigation is EXTRA not good.

Aaron Hernandez, an innocent man, died in prison. Yet, Tom Brady (clearly guilty of evidence tampering) walks free. That’s America for you.

You’re confusing criticism of the fawning discourse around Tebow with criticism of the man himself.

Related question: is Tim Rohan, author of the article, actually Jesus?

You know all those times in WWII where soldiers would get special upgrades dropped to them because they killed a lot of enemies?

+1, Brian. I would've assumed the creator of Faces of Death was some devil-worshiping, sadistic freak, like Kathy Griffin, not an affable Jewish guy.