I’m....perplexed by this headline.
I’m....perplexed by this headline.
The West Indian Day Parade always seems to get blamed for violence, when in fact the violence always seems to center around J’Ouvert, a march that occurs early early in the morning. People stay up drinking all night to march in J’Ouvert, get into fights, and violence breaks out. If anyone is going to shut down/put…
I feel like... the lede has kinda been buried here. The stabbing and shootings should have been an independent article, since that kind of senseless violence doesn’t really mesh with a celebration of the parade’s costumes. I would really love to see more photos of the revelers, though - they do look great! Just maybe…
There totally could have been two separate articles.
Sick geography burn.
What’s with the title and the incongruent content of this article?
today i received call on my cell phone from my cell phone, naturally i picked it up....there was a weird noise ......
OK I was not expecting that from the headline. “Hey look at these cool costumes, oh yeah some people got stabbed and stuff but whatever.”
This is highly confusing. No one should feel any kind of sympathy for them, as they are the ones who presumably SOUGHT OUT Chris Brown, known horrible misogynist.
Report: Chris Brown now hermit since gay men are part of the general population.
It’s unclear how Brown knew there were men in the crowd — or why performing for lesbians is cool but gay men are an unacceptable audience
I'm going to need a minute to process this information. I just have had such a high opinion of Chris Brown, who has long been a champion of women, and assumed his attitude would also extend to the LGBTQ community. So it's difficult to believe he would do something like this.
Why would a bunch of lesbians want a misogynist and girlfriend-beater at their event?
or why performing for lesbians is cool but gay men are an unacceptable audience
Looking forward to the year 2035, when Hollywood makes an Oscar bait movie about the new labor movement and replaces all these women with a fictional white guy.
Raising the minimum wage to 15 isn’t enough. Raising the minimum wage to 15 and mandating it keep pace with inflation and cost of living increases is where it’s at.
What sucks is by the time the minimum wage is raised to 15, it’ll probably have to be raised to 20.