
On my Linux desktop. the game won't start from Steam. I have to go to the game's directory (~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Pillars of Eternity) and run the executable from there. It works fine, but I think I lose SteamCloud save syncs which is pretty bloody annoying since I do about half my gaming on a laptop.

I really enjoyed the 15 minutes I played. Then my coal plant ran out of coal, and despite being located right next to the freeway ramps, no coal was ever delivered. I built a few wind turbines, ran power lines from then, and ran out of money. Did you only build wind turbines? Did your coal plants ever get coal

This is a great point! I worked in a 100-year-old federal building for some years. The bathrooms had all been renovated at different points in time, and were wildly different. Some had high-tech self-flushing facilities. Others had 1950's raised-tank plumbing with pull-chains. There was a lot of variation, and it was

Is this picture a year old, or is the date in the HEADLINE wrong?

They broke my M6 build, it will be a while before I feel like going back to D3.

Great premise, not sure if I'll buy it just for that, but it's tempting.

Lighten up, Francis.

Daisy's one of my favorite characters in the Mario franchise (tied with Rosalina). You're not alone, but I suspect our party is small enough that we could get seats without making a reservation.

I clicked the link, it's not there for $4 any more.

I clicked the link, it's not there for $4 any more.

I've been having problems with search on Gawker sites ever since ... I'm not sure. Finding recaps on io9 is especially annoying. These days I just use Google, and add "kotaku" or "io9" to my search.

You mentioned Myth... Now I'm all nostalgic. Best RTT game ever made (Real Time Tactical, yeah I'm hoping it catches on).

This is brilliant.

Now you've made it two of us. *ba-dum*

When people call me and ask first thing, "Who is this?" I always say, "No, you called me, who are you?"

At this point I think I need to add that I no more support firing Patricia than I do hounding Temkin. I was drawing a rhetorical parallel, folks.

I've never played CAH, but I was thinking of buying it when it first made a splash. They were out of stock of actual sets, but would sell a PDF that had all the cards for printing out and cutting yourself. I don't know if the ones in the picture are "legit" cards from the original game, but there is a valid reason for

I wish Patricia had done a better job. Seriously dude, stop white-knighting this terrible article. She's not going to sleep with you.

Now see, this was unnecessary. There are plenty of things in Patricia's article to mock and make fun of without resorting to this kind of vitriol. Just because she's being a judgemental cretin and assuming that a person is probably guilty due to "statistics", doesn't mean you have to insult her person or history. Just

Should I not be using my "usual" account when criticizing this terrible article? Oops.

Statistically, 15% of firings are unjustified. So firing Patricia for this article is probably legit. It should at least be considered.