
Where at? I'm looking in the San Francisco Bay area and they are still $$$$

No fucking clue why I laughed so hard at this.

$10 says this is somehow made into a Black Mirror episode.

Also came here for this. All is good in the world now.

Am I the only one bothered by the header image not being in the US considered this is an article about the 4th of July? This isn’t even a ‘merica thing, it’s just why use that image?

If I work on my car and get out of it while it’s running, do I get a ticket?

Who else saw the photo and thought it was for a new VR headset?

Didn’t realize I was reading The Onion.

And that kids, is basically a turbocharger!

Wait, wait, wait....is this a reposted article? I remember this being posted earlier this year. Am I going crazy?

can you explain? I thought 4-point is good?

Ah Turn 6, how I love thee

Does anyone want to talk about the beautiful 1962 Lincoln Continental in the background of the photo?

God, this is the most boring interior i’ve ever seen. Has Jalopnik done a recent top 10 most boring interiors recently?

Probably the best character in The Force Awakens.

I wasn’t being serious, I was making a joke that this guy always seems to be in space doing different things, all the time.

So... does Chris every come back to earth, or is this guy in space for all eternity?

Bose, no highs, no lows, Bose.

I see a distinct Jaguar look here - did Lincoln look at all top luxury cars and meld them together?

This guy drives like a dick. Riding the center-line like that.