
Are there any issues of legality about riding around with this? I guess only if it's open, right? Kind of a hard determination for a cop to make at first glance, so I'd expect to be stopped and hassled here and there.

I don't know about easily. If anything I'd say it's not impossible.

"If you get malware, it's because you're using it wrong."

"yes, it definitely went wide, but it's not like a bicycle hitting a car. Perhaps, say, a bullet missing a skyscraper."

This is the worst atrocity ever committed by a McVeigh.

I agree with most of what you said, but a dinosaur killer is probably not one we could easily destroy, too. If we build a laser for blasting asteroids (not unlike the game Asteroids) it'd probably be for these more common, smaller asteroids. The more I say asteroids, the less it looks like a real word.

Oh, ok. Yeah, it's important to realize how low the average is, before you say that they're some of the most mediocre music around today. The problem is that most of the music that's better than theirs are from older eras.

The whole point of my bicycle analogy is that it won't hurt the car! Jesus Christ, you're so dense. How is a bicycle possibly denting the bumper of a car not the same thing as what you're saying?

Now playing

If anyone is interested in an OK Go! style video, something that it looks like they would do but not something like what they have done, check out the video for Gary Jules' cover of Mad World.

To be fair, the video for End Love has a few cuts...

Oh God, please tell me you didn't actually try to do that. And if you did, please tell me it didn't have anything to do with what I said.

I assume a horse could lose a single ball in, say, an accident or due to cancer or something.

I'm confused. How is acting as though Earth will be in trouble "downplaying the effect"? That's completely contradictory. And I used the analogy of a bicycle running into a parked car. How is that me acting as if Earth is in trouble? Your bullet analogy surely implies a lot more danger.

And the Neuticles folk shed a tear...

Thank you. The original article reads like a combination of a reporter in a helicopter over a high-speed chase, making a fuss over every car the suspect gets anywhere near, and a baseball announcer claiming a pitch over the backstop was "just a bit outside" compared to the large size of Miller Park.

"In fact, two more passed on Monday, one of them at 36,000 miles. That's nothing in astronomical terms."

How the hell is a bike supposed to conceal your person? You sit on it. How could an intelligent person possibly think, for even a second, that perhaps this bicycle will cloak you in some way?

They'll probably mostly be selling this to people who ride exclusively during the day, you fuddy duddy.

The trick to understanding the title is to not be an idiot.

It's not transcendent but it's entirely listenable and a hell of a lot better and more honest than most of what peppers the Billboard Hot 100 chart.