
How can you give birth to an abortion?

They give foreign scripted words pretty regularly, and the foreign word is always the one you don't have to get right.

How is OCR for street signs not helping to digitize knowledge? Maybe a street sign isn't exactly War and Peace, but it still helps to have a digital version of that information. It's not like they're doing it just so Google employees will have more information. It's for everyone.

Semantics, I suppose.

It doesn't "ignore" either one. One is an already known word used for verification and the other word is an image that Captcha is learning to identify.

I believe the idea behind the original Captcha was to present one word that Captcha already knew and one word that it hadn't figured out. When a person gets the known word correct, the person's interpretation of the unknown word is saved. When enough people say the same thing for the unknown word, it becomes a known

Untrue. If you contribute to damages resulting from patent infringement, which is what you're doing if you give away an infringing OS that is used to take money away from potential iPhone sales, you are liable for some percentage of those damages regardless of whether you made money off of it or not.

I can't argue with most of what you said. It's hard to tell how much of Jobs' motivation was personal and how much of it was financial, but I'm inclined to think it was some of each.

You're not contradicting anything that I'm saying. I said the handset manufacturers make more off of Android than Google does. This is not dependent on Google making anything off of the platform.

Certainly he wouldn't be as motivated by retribution as the article implies, but he was still probably using the writing on the wall regarding Windows to guide his actions regarding Android.

1. I said Google wasn't profiting off of the software as much as the handset makers. The handset makers are absolutely profiting off of the software.

Yeah, but it ends up coming across like "That team won the championship because they played the game better. This time around, we're going to play the same way we did last time, but with steroids!"

You can't patent software unless it does something that no other software can do, at which point you just patent the process/system. But Apple is suing handset makers because of software processes/system inherent to Android.

"Apple couldn't sue Google because Google wasn't making the phones."

I understand, but as a football fan, you'll generally only ever hear "The Ohio State University" or "The U" (for Miami). It's the tonality more than the general inclusion of the word.

You have to hear them actually say it. The way they pause after "thee" is downright detestable.

This is basically my post from further down restated. Not criticizing, just supporting the shared message.

Except they don't put it in front of all of their products. Just their Galaxy line.