
What's sadder than these movies is the insecurity of a university that has to force "The" in front of its name, as if anyone was confused which Ohio State University people were talking about.

They retconned it in the first straight-to-DVD movie and kind of took the sting out of it.

I get that you guys don't like the Note, but you shouldn't be so quick to dismiss devices that aren't really duplicated on the market. Some people will prefer the Note, and even if it isn't you, you should respect that some others find value in its large size and smart stylus. Don't come out against people having

I'm not arguing about this TV. I'm arguing about the fact that you said only plasma can provide a decent picture quality. You didn't say a million dollar picture quality.

Well that's just simply not true. Even if plasma offers the best picture, 99.9% of all people would say that LED-LCD offer at least a "decent" picture. Don't be such a snob.

It happens.

I believe you, I was just going by what currency exchange sites say. I imagine the only Zimbabwean currency worth anything anymore is backed currency, and I don't know that they actually have any of that.

While some countries in Africa have ruined their currency by overprinting, $100,000,000,000 Zimbabwe dollars is apparently still worth USD $265 million and change.

Like with any innovation that gets featured on this site, especially kitchen innovations because the comments here are so full of snobby foodies, bring on the skepticism!

Man, that joke is beyond played out on here. Get some original material.

I could just power my whole house on geothermal power if I was that... crazy.

Fine theory, except I live in Los Angeles.

Saying that a hood is unsafe because it restrict vision and hearing makes you sound like a real buzzkill.

In a laptop, yeah, because it's going to be a self-contained system. You can dissipate heat from a desktop by having the liquid taken out of the case and allowing the heat to dissipate somewhere else.

What about other jewelry? At least a watch can tell time and possibly have a couple other functions.

Does that mean you have lots of good (for the reader) stories about stuff getting stolen from you?

Like C.A.M. said, the MPAA is in bed with every major studio/distributor.

You can access anything in any folder on your computer (without special software like iTunes) with a Roku.

I've put unprotected digital HD copies of a bunch of my favorite movies onto my WDTV Live Hub, which I find is a nice alternative to owning a bunch of discs (but the discs are legal).

I prefer my WDTV Live Hub as well, for the reasons you listed and more. I'm to understand a Roku Box is a fine alternative to the WDTV as well.