
Absolutely out of malice. My cousin's first wife pulled a similar stunt on him, except she found a new boyfriend and left him divorce papers for when he got back from Serbia.

The girlfriend did this to be malicious, right? She could have contacted his family if she simply no longer wanted to care for the dog.

Lesbianism - give it a try.

No, we should totally feel sorry for HER for having to put up with a less than adequate man, and not him, because after all he is just a a less than adequate man.

Yes, so strange how being constantly reminded every f.. time you go out/read a book/watch a movie that you are not "a real man" by society's - and yes most women's - standards might make a man insecure.

It's interesting how soccer players seem to dominate women's (or at least the non-representative sample of Jezebel commentators) preferences among athletes in major sports (let's say baseball, basketball, American football, and hockey). I get the sense that there are a few main factors:

I think Ken Griffey Jr. was a better player than Barry Bonds... and the kid didn't use/need steroids for his accomplishments.

If you've ever spent time at a college campus you would laugh at the suggestion that the party culture is inherently "male". I've seen plenty of girls nights out get just as rowdy if not more so than guys. It's not "male" party culture that is the problem, is the college party culture in general. I'm really annoyed

Silly wabbit, women only have agency when they do something we approve of. If they do something we don't approve of, it's due to internalized sexism or the overwhelming force of patriarchal culture.

Meeting in the middle—where women aren't scrutinized based on their ability to live up to ridiculous, virginal, puritanical "ladylike" standards, but aren't held to dangerous and stupid macho standards, either—is apparently not an option.

I'd like to know what the readership here would have preferred Kaepernick and co. had done in that situation. They immediately called the police. What more do you want?

It's really bad when a comment is better written, sourced and just generally of journalistic merit than the article. Thanks for doing the legwork.

The girl was intoxicated and naked in his apartment. Pretty sure that means she was raped. #endfathersday

Hundreds of comments for the accusation, less than 30 when proven innocent.

I felt compelled to quote more thorough reporting on this story, since Ms. Crosley has chosen not to investigate this very thoroughly.

911 calls released by police showed that a man, reportedly (Ricardo) Lockette, called from the apartment saying that the woman wouldn't leave Kaepernick's room.

And this is why these incidents should not be allowed all over the media until the investigation has been conducted and someone at the very least is being brought to trial.

Seriously. The coverage of this "sexual investigation" on Jezebel as been horrendous.


1) Most men do not care that women are ogling the male players when they watch men's sports. Ogle all you want - we really don't give a shit.