
Well speaking for all 20-something males, as I am authorized to do, I can say "We are not brainless fuck monsters, thank you very much." and hope you one day manage to reach of view of sexuality world at least as complex as in Lysistrata and progress from there toward reality.

Once we hide the ladders, and refuse to give you directions to where it is, you're spider-catching tool will be awful lonely.

We shall deploy our mobile shoe department to distract your Amazonian guards and regain control of the levers right before we move them to the specially-constructed, tippy-top, spider-infested shelf.

As long as there is a jacket in a contrasting color, your color gambit does not faze us.

We're keeping the levers on slightly lower shelves for now to lull you into a false sense of security, but eventually it'll be all the way up on the dust bunny-laden top shelf.

Once we place all of the levers of power on the top shelf surrounded by spiders, you're gynocracy will be doomed. Muhahahaha!

pretty sure i've seen women in general and lindy west in particular use anger to get what they want.

And women use tears. Next?

I, and nearly all of the guys I hang out with, have virtually no range of emotion and react in an entirely predictable manner to almost everything.

I've been called an asshole and douchebag from women I didn't want to sleep with. So yeah, women freak out as well as men.

This comment, like many others here, is pretty schizophrenic. The article's thesis is that women are as shallow as men and want hotties. A guy comments that he agrees, because he's not a hottie and women don't want him. And the response to him is...that he's an asshole and insecure, and that his problem with women

I still don't get why the thoughts of pre-teens is news.

eh.... Colbert made that same joke months ago, wish they would have been more original

Anyone who is offended by this can kiss my sparkly vagina. Sometimes, things are just funny.

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No. None of this is the future, unless its an alternative timeline dystopian future. This is absurd and a joke.

"Wow, I could really see myself wearing that!" - no man ever.

I find it kind of fascinating that you assume men are the ones purchasing the dino porn, when the reader base of erotica is overwhelmingly female.

I sincerely hope the end result of this article being published is Priefer being unemployable as an NFL coach.