
What an incredibly stupid study.

Also, rap music makes people violent. And hearing jokes about [A thing] makes it impossible for people to do that thing. Also comic books will make America's youth into Communists!!!

You try to kill me texting and driving? See what happens. Smashed phone will be the least of your problems.

I agree totally with the guy, get your car smashed a couple times and you will change your mind. Cause the guy he took the phone from I know from experience, was sitting in the car still on the phone going "dude, I just crashed my car, what do you think I should do?" I know this having been hit twice by people on

I get your point, but I'm not sure that there's a better way to get someone's attention. I work in downtown Chicago and watched a woman texting/placing a call while pulling out of a parking garage almost hit several pedestrians in the middle of rush hour. So I knocked on her window, told her it was illegal and

Mmm, sorry, if you almost kill me, I reserve the right to get a little ragey. I'm not sure you could find a jury to convict him. He didn't smash HER to the ground, just her phone.

oh no. he destroyed her phone, meanwhile she put multiple people in danger by texting on it.

They linked to an article that literally demonstrates that the system worked and brought those people to justice to the tune of a few billion dollars.

Maybe they're shocked because you're putting too much emphasis on the preseason, not because you're a woman. ;-)

To everyone saying "well, they sent the pic, isn't that like consenting to whateber happens to it?" - what if these were women's nudes? Breasts? Genitalia? Does it matter? Sending a nude snapshot may not be the best move, but in no way does that imply consent to being in a fucking art exhibit. These "artists"

Many of those accounts are fake bots that auto send messages to new member in efforts to get you to click links for malware purposes. You'd be surprised on how many sites this is an issue.

Yes, all 18 year old males are horrible lovers with no stamina. All of 18 year old male partners are left unsatisfied. Go team! *high kick*

Hell, I'm a straight guy and I still enjoy these. Dude is that kind of ridiculous space alien level of attractive where it's almost scientifically fascinating, like he was assembled in a lab or something.

Don't forget us gay guys!

This is, and has been for quite some time, a "thing" for gay men. And can really be quite tasteful:

Now playing

I refuse to read Tracie Egan Morrissey's articles because she is a rape apologist.. She has shown her true colors multiple times..

She wrote this about the Roman Polanski child rape in the past and then had the nerve to ban two of the many readers who gave her shit for blaming the 13 year old victim..


Can I ask a (somewhat snarky) question to smokers? A lot of smokers I know would NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER throw a piece of trash on the ground. They would hate the people who do it, they would pick it up, they would talk shit.

Man, I hope that kid is black.

I wish I could be there to watch her squeeze a bloody, screaming human from between her legs. Ah, the pageantry.

We are asked to decide only if a genuine fact issue exists as to whether Dr. Knight engaged in unlawful gender discrimination when he fired Nelson at the request of his wife.