
Men can fake orgasms. I've done it quite a few times. With a condom there's nothing easier. A bit dicier without a condom, but I've gotten away with it. A few times I think the woman suspected, but decided not to press the matter. Can't be sure of that, though. Maybe I fooled 'em all.


Easy to fake orgasm if you're using a condom. I've faked a few times without a condom. Not as easy and once or twice I think the woman suspected something, but didn't press the matter.

I'm part of that 22% of men who has faked an orgasm. More than once, actually. Quite a few times. Not divorced, never married.

H2 is the worst channel in the world. It used to be History International and occasionally ran interesting history shows from around the world. Now it is nothing but conspiracy theories about aliens who built things thousands of years ago. They have literally designed an entire cable TV network for paranoid lunatics

H2 is the worst channel in the world. It used to be History International and occasionally ran interesting history shows from around the world. Now it is nothing but conspiracy theories about aliens who built things thousands of years ago. They have literally designed an entire cable TV network for paranoid lunatics

Esquire Network doesn't sound very good. On the other hand, it sounds a lot better than Lifetime, Bravo, E!*,WE, Oxygen, TLC, Food Network or Oprah's network. And doesn't sound any worse than a Gawker tv channel would be.

Heh. They made a public announcement of their "exhibit." And there's this thing called the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. People are allowed to have opinions. Even you. If you have a problem tolerating opinions other than your own, as you clearly do, you should probably avoid public discussion forums.

I think it's probably because people like you are dumbfuck narcissists and easily impressed by the most untalented dopes of the art world. That seems more likely, doesn't it?

Yeah, 'cept I'm not so much crying as this...

I love your optimism, but I don't see that at all. It goes like this...

Although I agreed with him about many things, I couldn't support Howard Dean in 2004 because his supporters were so incredibly annoying. I know a few Iowa Democrats who say this is what happened to him the caucuses. Those Deaniacs with their orange hats were so ubiquitous and so annoyingly earnest that some people —

I'm a straight man. I love the ladyparts. Somehow, I'm getting so sick of hearing about this shit.

"although the men might have to listen to a lecture on male privilege and machismo,"

That's what publicists are for.

Of course. Toothless drifters for all

I think we all know this was posted just to provide a link to photos of penises. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Just, you know, own it next time.

Aww, that's kind of cute. But this guy isn't a problem, he's a clown. And clowns get enough attention as it is.

What this guy wants more than a girlfriend is attention. And you just gave it to him.