>>I agree this ad is sexist as fuck<<
>>I agree this ad is sexist as fuck<<
>>Objectification and sexism often coincide for women in a way that they don't for men.<<
>>You are an idiot. Until our culture stops objectifying women (or men) sexual harassment will be part of our society.
>>I'm an equal objectification advocate, the use of scantilyclad women to sell products will never abate. Bring on the shirtless beefcakes I say.<<
>>What about sexual objectification of really fucking hot people who work really hard to have really hot bodies and like to show them off. There is an entire population of people who work out to look good and show off. They like it. I sure as hell like it. This dude makes his living off of it. He makes his living off…
Only displays of sexuality that Jezebel doesn't like are exploitative. :)
It's pretty cute how hard some of you are working to justify this ad while condemning countless ads that are very similar, apart from the gender of the person in the ad. Replace that man with a woman, wearing exactly as much and in exactly the same position and there would be outrage. And you know it. Not by all of…
Since I never did that, I have no objections to your suggestion.
Says above she won the Girls Gone Wild 2009 "Search for the Hottest Girl in America" contest. Once you know that, the rest of it makes perfect sense.
It's amazing that anyone cares what it is like to be Joe Francis' girlfriend.
Bras — they're just filled with goodness, aren't they? Never found money inside a woman's bra, but never found anything bad either.
I won't have you talking about my good-for-nothing freeloading friends in such a fashion!
This asshole rapist had a while to come up with a convincing explanation and THAT was the best he had?
One of the best things about being a dude is knowing I'll never have a nasty little parasite* growing in my womb — 'cause I ain't got no womb. Why the hell would I want to experience something like that?
I'll do ya one better. Just refrain from marriage proposals altogether. No marriage proposals means no public marriage proposals. Problem solved.
Take that, patriarchy!
What is the obsession some of you [3 so far!] have with my genitalia? It was creepy before. Now, it's pretty vile. Men who feel the need to argue with a woman by invoking their sex are pathetic. Women who do the same to men are no better. Get your mind out of the gutter. My genitalia is none of your concern.
Thanks for the advice. In the spirit of reciprocity, just shut up. You're making truly stupid remarks. Sit back, re-read what you've written and grow a brain.
Bang — ya got me!
I was responding to people who had written earlier, discussing the relative attractiveness of biracial people and whether not it was okay to tell them their skin was pretty.