
You're right, I should have anticipated certain people would be very sensitive in the context of this conversation, but the context of my remarks made it clear I used the term as many people do, endearment. I certainly meant no offense to anyone, but the notion that the word is automatically racist or offensive is

Ha! Right back at ya. I used a term commonly used by many biracial people and the people who love them in the U.S. Like I said, don't like it, don't use it. It's not the N-word.

It's a sweet ad. That little girl is cute as hell. She's going to make a pile of money for her stage manager parent[s].

It's weird if people speak to you about being an interracial couple. I've dated many non-white women over the last 14 years and remarks are much rarer now than they used to be and stares are also rarer, but they happen. There's just no need for a stranger to broach the subject, even if they mean well. Interracial

President-elect Barack Obama press conference, November 2008:

>>Heck no, but I'd sure stay away from "what are you?"<<

>>When you're in a public place and someone you've never met comes up to you to tell you 'what nice skin and hair' you have and how much they love Obama and what's he's done for your people for the MILLIONTH time it does get annoying<<

The grass is always greener. I wish someone would fetishize me, but I'm just a straight white dude in his early 30s. Nobody finds me exotic in the good ol' USofA. Although, if demographic changes continue as they are, I WILL be exotic in a few decades. Yeah!

It's my experience that mutts tend to be better-looking than the rest of us. There are exceptions to that, of course, and Kate Upton isn't biracial so there's that. But I've just found the biracial women I've dated to be more physically attractive to me. Your mileage my vary.

I have no problem with a private organization discriminating against homosexuals or African-Americans or gingers or what-have-you. That's one of the reasons organizations are private — they can include and exclude whom they wish. Bigots will always be with us and I'd rather they be out in the open than hiding in the

The ghost of Harvey Milk politely sneers at these johnny-come-latelies.

Forget it, the tribal thing will never work. The Jets and the Sharks already tried it and couldn't make it work. Not even after 8 years of jazz and six years of tap.

Your suspicion isn't sneaking, it's stomping down the hall in steel-toe boots.

Well, this should be a jolly good show. First one to throw out the N word [as in Nazi] wins Shithead of the Year award.


>>the ones who gravitated toward the pregnant ladies definitely had a higher skeeze factor than the average customer.<<

No worries. I'm not evangelizing for abstinence. Almost all my friends and family drink booze. I probably would, too, if I had a taste for it.

Cue the "Bring that rocket over to me, Rocketman!" jokes in 3...2...1

Any chance they were just very religious dudes who were hoping you're were the Immaculate Conception 2.0 and they wanted to get in good with the mother before all that Left Behind shit got started?

I don't think so. Almost all women "put out" and this thing called birth control can pretty much handle the pregnancy part.