
It is very rude, I agree. You used the word "ogling" above, which I took to mean staring, not catcalling. In any case, neither should happen, ever.

"So now I hate fucking cuddling and all that stupid mushy shit that comes with relationships and just fuck for the fun of it. Being single is about x200 better."

Sorry. I generally only detect jokes in the presence of humor. Other people do it differently. Such is life. Carry on.

Ditto and ditto. I'm always willing to pay a taxi or other car service to take the woman home or, basically, anywhere else but my place. As the saying goes, you don't have to go home, but you gotta get up outta here.

Agreed. I love one night stands and I don't drink alcohol. I can tell everyone that one night stands are better sober. Hell, everything is better sober. If you need to get drunk to enjoy a one night stand, either it's not for you or you're an alcoholic and you need to get drunk to enjoy basically anything. In which

You sound pretty awesome.

It's not about not liking someone. It's that the business of the evening is concluded. You don't hang around after business hours. If I'm hooking up with a woman for a one night stand, it's pretty unlikely I will want to be in her presence after the purpose of the one night stand is finished. That means she goes or I

I like it. Not necessary with some of us guys — I'd be outta there before the words got past your teeth — but if its the thought that counts, your thought is pretty cool.

Very weird. I've never been offended if a woman didn't want me to stay the night. Elated, yes. Offended, never. Don't get that.

There are very late night car services in the Washington, D.C. area. Hopefully, the same applies to where you live. I make good use of them myself if I don't have my car and am always willing to pay for one to take my one night stand away from my house and toward whatever isn't near my house.

Well, I don't recall actually being hostile to anyone with whom I had a one night stand. That's gotta count for something.

People who don't understand the concept of one night stands or fuck buddies are very annoying/stupid. Explain it to him slowly and carefully. If he still does not understand, make it clear to him you are not interested in further contact. If he still doesn't get it, inform him you have contacted the police — even if

Ditto. I'd assume the chick was some sort of herpes version of Typhoid Mary. The condom is for me, lady, not you.

Hell, yes, I wear condoms! A fair number of sex partners and no STDs. No kids either. That's not an accident.

Works for me! Seriously, you sound like you've got your head on straight.

Wait, if I make it clear I only want sex from you, you are willing to have sex, but will pursue no further attachments?

As a dude myself, I'm definitely getting you. Getting the fuck out very soon afterward is the next best thing to the sex itself. Sometimes it is actually better.

That is pretty fucking pathetic.

Two things I absolutely love:

Funny how people see things differently. You see it as them asserting their power. Maybe they see it that way, too. I don't do it so I couldn't say. But they seem anything but powerful to me. Weak and pitiful are the first two epithets that spring to mind.