
Just finished reading Fall of Reach again. That needs to be made into a movie. Sadly the refusal to show MC's face will keep that from happening. He's a kid with sandy brown hair and freckles, just like he was in the Halo 3 ad. Suck it up, show is face, and take my money for the damn movie already!

Well if comes to the ZA it's good to see we are both willing to bet our lives on our own particular set of crew.

Mostly crappy replica blades. I bent one almost ninety degrees cutting through a pumpkin that was tossed at me. Half of the rednecks vehicles all already zombie ready. You can stick with the geeks, I'll sit in the back of the jacked up pickup filled to the brim with home loaded shells. Survival of the most

Sorry, those most heavily armed will inherit the earth. Sorry, but that means the rednecks military types. Good thing there are getting to be more and more geeks in both groups.

I always thought Xeno Box had a nice ring to it.

Couldn't agree more! With both comments.

Funny that you chose a cockatoo for the main picture. While they are pretty smart, they really don't talk. They just make loud screeching noises while they plot your doom.

Go read/watch Watership Down. Bloodthirsty rabbits there in spades.

I have no idea if anyone has said this, but it's not worth digging around the new comment system to find out. That being said... This might be a good thing for the industry. The smaller companies will sit back and watch what happens. Let EA flounder around while this maneuver hurts their bottom line, backtracks,

I was thinking more about these. I think they came in the same sets asa the megaphone pieces. I suppose it all has to do with how you look at guns as toys though. I grew up with guns, so to me it was just a another "tool" brick. One more useful thing I could use to fuel my imagination in the direction it was

I'm pretty sure some of the earlier Space sets had guns too. I remember having those before the muskets in the pirate sets.

Can we get Antonio Banderas to voice the main character?

Did they ever even find out what in the cave was transferring the virus?

There should already be knives, so what's a few more at this point? Especially with three hungry little brothers about.

Completely and totally agree. I keep hoping that when (if) the movies come out, they will be the second go around with the horn. It would fit well within the bounds of the Universe. Everything can stay the same, except the end.

Took the wife to go see John Carter last week for my birthday. She expected not to like it, but was cool about going, and ended up enjoying it a lot. Except the part where he (spoiler) stabs through the ape. She thought it was a total eye-roll moment. I grew up devouring the Tarzan books but never picked up JC. I

No I understand what your saying. It's more the whole anti-jew thing. I generally couldn't tell a jew from your average non-jew. Yet there is who anti-semetic jews are bad thing. Then when you have supposed christians who rant against jews, but seem to forget Jesus was jew... but I think I've pretty much taken the

Aren't Jews white? Granted, I doubted he looked like the groovy surfer we usually see, but he was probably white.

No kidding.

Yeah, all the robot outbreaks here are a real bitch.