
Ok, a lot of people on here seem to be really up in arms over this. The only part I get is the white-washing. It blow, but it's Hollywood. I love the the Manga, it was great. Can't stand the cartoon, and Otomo helped write it. It really wasn't a very good condensed version of the original. If Hollywood wants to

You can only rehab those who want it, and many don't.

Used to work in the system. Had an inmate once tell me that if he could get regular straight sex in prison he'd never leave. For the type of mentality that usually ends up there it isn't that bad. We pay for it and they think it's pretty funny. Some hate it and can't wait to get out, others have such a bizarre

Oh please let this be real! I can't wait until these start showing up in pet stores.

Ok, I want want to see this movie. Not Spy Kids 4, but the movie he reviewed.

Well, apparently I'm susceptible to light sensitive seizures.

I love the fact that Karen Traviss is writing the books. She's done a phenomenal job with Star Wars and Gears stuff. The Halo expanded universe started out so well with Eric Nylunds work. Pretty much went downhill from there with the exception of Neil Blomkamp's short, but that was pretty much a tease anyways.

Had no idea. Do tell.

Not what I was expecting from the whole, 'In the future we'll all eat vat grown meat.' thing.

You go ahead and go back in time and plant them. The loggers will still have most of them cut down by the time you get back to this day and age. On a more sci-fi related note, the redwood forest is where they shot all the forest moon of Endor stuff. I wonder if the gravity was just a little less there, and thats

Maybe we can get Worthing to direct Keanu in this.

At least someone is out there trying to build crazy stuff in their garage. This is how we make giant leaps. Granted it's also how people get crazy killed, but giant leaps too.

Maybe we can take the whole fam! Or would that be irresponsible?

I remember reading a short sci-fi story when I was a kid called "How To Serve Man". I'm going to assume that this is somehow connected.

Had a colorblind roommate. He couldn't see red or green. Both were just shades of brown to him.

Like I said in my previous post, your funny. Despite your degree, your opinion is no more valid than mine. And as for guessing your "political agenda" on this, well it's just as easy as guessing which finger you have extended. "Bigot pandering", really? I hope you got as much of your infinite amusement from

Darling? Your funny. Miller and Snyder have both said that 300 was historically accurate, yes. Snyder "was also quoted in a BBC News story as saying that the film is, at its core "a fantasy film." He also describes the film's narrator, Dilios, as "a guy who knows how not to wreck a good story with truth." Then

If only I could star your comment. Haven't you heard? We get to judge all of history through our 21st century filter now.

I'm not going to bother looking this up (because I'm probably wrong), but I think the "giant cross armory" contained a bunch of Colt 1911 pistols (which is one of the coolest real world handguns by the way). Which, #1 is a real gun so wouldn't count for this list, and #2 makes it more of a portable gun cabinet than a

I'm not going to bother looking this up (because I'm probably wrong), but I think the "giant cross armory" contained a bunch of Colt 1911 pistols (which is one of the coolest real world handguns by the way). Which, #1 is a real gun so wouldn't count for this list, and #2 makes it more of a portable gun cabinet than a