Not everyone needs to know the source material to enjoy a movie. A good story story will resinate with viewers whether they know it was an incredible piece of work in another medium or not.
Not everyone needs to know the source material to enjoy a movie. A good story story will resinate with viewers whether they know it was an incredible piece of work in another medium or not.
I thought I heard about this a long time ago with some other industrial ash. From what I remember one of the reasons all of the old Roman architecture has stood up so well, is it was made with volcanic ash. Of corse I could be way off base here too. If they really want to test it, try making it into city streets…
Not to mention it'll fly off the shelves in DVD form, and I'm sure that's what he suits were counting on when they agreed to front the money.
After I saw the first commercial for this movie I made a very conscious effort not see another one, or read any articles that had anything to do with the movie. I wanted to go into with just the basic premise in mind without waiting for key scenes I knew were still coming to spoil the fun. I'm not sure if that had…
Amen! How many years have we been waiting for this?
I hope you've played the video games then. In my mind, they more than made up for Chronicles.
I'm kind of disappointed that A Scanner Darkly is so midpoint on the list with Minority Report being above it. I've read both stories, but honestly don't remember how Minority report stacked up in my mind as it's been overshadowed by the movie. Rating them on just in movie going experience alone I'd have to put A…
This looks more like the cast of Hustlers, This Ain't The X-Men.
@rewind: I knew some states have a real problem with them and allow the pigs to be killed on site, just didn't think Georgia was one of them.
@Darth Meow 504: Yes but the State doesn't have human permits that you can legally purchase. It's not that the State cares that he's shooting hogs, it's just that they didn't get their cut out of the deal. It's all about the money.
@Omegastrider Has laser eye beams: Georgia probably requires hog permits, for either hunting or harvesting. Even though he owns the land, you can't just go killing all of the pest animals on your property. Way to much money the state can get for charging for permits. Not sure if there are any specific 'internet gun…
Quite possibly the most awesomely violent airplane ever invented!
@grimjack28: Lex is right. He's not human, he is separate from us, and very different from us. He is The Superman. I for one have never trusted his motives.
@corpore-metal: You're not a fan of Denis Leary I take it... or Bill Hicks for that matter.
@chalkshark: Oh if only I could star you for that comment!
I've got two words for ya: Jim Fixx
@darkvstar857: Doubtfully. The bat population all over the U.S. is having a real hard time with the White-Nose Syndrome. It's actually a pretty big deal. And cocaine jokes in three, two, one... []
@Fauxcused: Sorry, but your friend has an ally in me. I'll leave green ones intact after you rebuild, but the yellow and red will have to go.
@RtFusion: Not trying to be a dick, but the nice thing about this site is there is (generally) intelligent banter going on in the comment sections. If you don't like the trailer tell us why. We deserve better than some lolcatsesque hand showing disinterest? We're sci-fi geeks, post a zombie showing disinterest.