@RtFusion: This is only the second time I've seen this image and it's already annoying.
@RtFusion: This is only the second time I've seen this image and it's already annoying.
@Arken: Oh, then you don't play D&D. Sorry, couldn't resist.
What about Credit Card Hippies?
@WordMan: I still quote that to this day.
@hyperblackchi: So you had the, "I should take pictures of this." thoughts too I see.
I've always loved watching the patterns unfold when put my watercolor brush in a fresh class water when I'm painting.
@corleyms: I was probably eleven or twelve when I read the trilogy. I was pretty fresh off of Narnia and expected something similar. I was a bit shocked at the difference in tone. I still remember Ransom's long struggle to mercy kill the wounded creature on the beach only to find a trail of more wounded animals. …
@JrsyDevil's Advocate®: Believe me, there's a lot more of them out there than people think.
It's probably just because I was playing some Halo last night, but Heimdall's armor reminds me of the Brute Chieftain armor.
This is why geek boys can't get dates. They scare off the geek girls before they know what a precious thing they are.
@FrankN.Stein: Yeah, probably something like this, only longer for parade purposes.
@FrankN.Stein: Can you imagine the parade for Human Centipede?
@skywalker993: Bloody well seconded!
@Toastie: Amen. I know he's the Tick, but I always thought Patrick Warburton matched up so well with Ed Mcguinness version of Superman. I always wanted to see him play out the character on the big screen.
Looks like a mashup of Shyamalan's The Village and some random CW show with a sprinkling angry Oldman. The guys who are mad at the Green Lantern trailer should watch this. It could be worse.
@bakana: You do have some good points, but I'm not ready to denounce all aspects of the whole "shitty culture" thing. I understand what you're saying the WWII analogy, but I'm not going to touch it either way. That's a can of worms that becomes a discussion all on it's own. In the end we'll always have…
I don't know... The guys got a point about the squirrels. Filthy tree rats!
@bakana: I understand what you're saying, but I don't agree with it it in it's totality. Is everyone who reads Twilight going to move over to better lit? Nope. Sorry if it looked like I implied that. But some will, and even if it's only a few then that is a positive. You aren't going to get rid of "shitty culture"…
@Krakenstein: Yeah the 'I'm not a white guy', pimp of pimps. Drexl Spivey. So good at creepy.
@bakana: If bad books get people into good genres are they really bad books? I may hate Twilight with a passion, but I'm not going to say they shouldn't be written. Think of these books as the training wheels to get people into reading something other than crappy romance novels, if reading anything at all.