Wenzel Dashington

Report: Timberwolves unpopular with fans, according to telephone poll

AS a Bears fan I remember you guys hit another 4th and Long against us less than 12 months ago to knock us out of the playoffs while at home. So I don't feel bad for you.

You may not want to hear this from a Bulls fan, but the Bucks are going to be FUN this year. They're not going to the Finals, but holy shit there's going to be some great games to watch.

Thanks for making me think about FredEx.

Take heart, Wenzel: you have to have been up 24 to lose a 24-point lead, and that sure beat the hell out of getting smoked by 30. Kemba went nuclear at the end, it happens.

damn you for making me remember 4th & 26. Fuckin' Bhawoh Jue. At least the Bucks didn't pull this in the playoffs.

thanks, coach.

I wanted to +1 you but then you had to pat yourself on the back with the picture. Act like you've been there before.

pretty sure the 't' is silent

As a white guy I laughed an uncomfortable amount at this post. +1 facepalm

He's just preparing for December when the whole roster collectively shits its pants.

More like No Balance, amirite?

That's two straight butt-whippings for the Vikings,

Are we sure this isn't the Thursday night game?

This doesn't bode too well for the Spurs' plan to debut their new logo in the Berlin game.

"Any great concentration camp stories? Let's hear 'em!"

Don't be ridiculous. You punish white people by existing in the first place!

I thought we punished white people by going to their schools and marrying into their families.

Ohhhh the ref. So good. You better WATCH IT BUSTER.

"Been there bro..."