Wenzel Dashington

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You guys forgot something....

Im a goddamned, motherfuckin, Bucks fan. I watched that 24 point lead evaporate, I havent felt that bad since 4th & 26 vs Philly.

Told to shut up about domestic violence..still talking about domestic violence. I see a few women didnt learn anything.

I wanted to +1 you but then you had to pat yourself on the back with the picture. Act like you've been there before.

Planning her wedding...huh.. thats a little presumptuous.

Shirt.of.the. YEAR.


"I know it was you... you broke my heart"

So nobody from out of town was beaten in the parking lot either huh...

That's two straight butt-whippings for the Vikings,

Suntan lotion and car oil everywhere.

*Bonus track "Who are you?"

America THIS is why we cant have nice things.

hesitantly presses *, because my sarcasm detector is in the shop.

"Been there bro..."

With some of those trades by the GM, Im sure Allen got used to the position above.

Does this guy play corner back? His backpedal is amazing.