15 watches, AND a 20.00?!?!?...cold hearted bastards...
15 watches, AND a 20.00?!?!?...cold hearted bastards...
What fucking plantation owners are you talking about? Because in order to have a plantation you had to breed, buy, sell, SLAVES you fuckin moron...the shit that went on on plantations is NOTHING like a basketball team, unless they whip the dog shit out of Jamal Crawford for shooting too many 3's..Slavery is NOTHING…
Until they Pat Riley can sell Lebrons two sons to Mark Cuban..or Donald Sterling can sell Chris/Cliff Pauls son to James Dolan, while simultaneously having sex with their wives..dont EVER compare Sports to slavery.
"Milwaukee gets it.."
Im always preaching maturity and "growing up" to my kids... I feel like such a hypocrite for being in tears at this video
Whats the big deal...this looks like the list my mom gave my sister before she went off to college...
Little man can really hold his liquor. :(
Its a real jungle out there...
The picture is badly cropped it should read:
Once in my sophomore year of high school...in Phys Ed we were playing Tee ball in the gym... yes Tee ball...Yes in the gym..(Winter in Milwaukee) and it was boys v. girls. Boys get 1 out, girls get 3 , one strike out = an out. and all of my friends were killing it, hitting balls to obscure corners of the gym, all…