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    With LastPass’s security breaches and now Equifax there is NO FREAKING WAY I’m trusting any password management service to store my passwords. Nope nope nope. If I don’t remember a password I just use the “forgot my password” link.

    Seen at a recent cars and coffee...

    “...there’s a pair of options with an associated probability for each.” 

    Can you someone explain to me how these ended up in states that weren’t confederate in the first place? I was truly surprised to hear there was even ONE in Maryland. How did we let statues to traitors be erected in the first place?

    Eeek @ those unblinking eyes!

    I just used mine yesterday and after two jumps it still had 70% power left.

    I just used mine yesterday and after two jumps it still had 70% power left.

    Drive the V6 version. The Cimarron proves that first impressions are everything. Might have been a terrible Cadillac, but for its time it was a great little car. These are my two daily drivers.

    At last check (three weeks ago) Emich in Lakewood had 13. Some manual as well. We went and looked and drove one but that price is staying at $50k.

    You got it! I just got a bill from when I finally went to see my doctor after being sick with flu-like symptoms for a month. One chest x-ray: $767! ONE CHEST X-RAY! Medical cost reform needs to happen NOW!

    Now THERE is a car show I can get into. I bring my Cimarron to our Cars and Coffee and the contrast it creates between the camaros, corvettes and mustangs is stunning. Funny to see people bounce right down the line of muscle cars, then STOP at my little Cimmy.

    This is the first song I heard in stereo through my then-new walkman. It was mindblowing.

    Ha ha - it’s the real deal. I know of a few others who have them as well.

    Because it looks like a crossover which are absolutely EVERYWHERE right now. Nowadays seeing something non-crossover is like seeing the color red for the first time. This is my work parking lot.

    NP definitely but I’m a bit biased as my 1991 is the last vehicle I will ever sell.

    We have two bidets in our 2-bathroom house. One of them is a $40 unit from Tushy, the other is a $300 remote controlled electronic bidet with seat and water heater and fan. We love them both and when we have guests that seem put off I ask them a simple question: “If a bird poops on you, would you rather wipe it off or

    I’ve been wondering what the status of your J-truck was. Blue and I will be watching!

    No. I was going to tell you my story about Guy. I had it all typed out but just erased it. All I’m going to say here is that if you have an online presence, he is not the kind of person you want to make mad. He seems to have a lot of time on his hands.

    I had to stop the video at one point because I thought I had another window open playing something completely different - nope.

    Although it did claim to have “upgraded suspension” from the factory, and it does, it’s a totally different ride than my ‘91 Seville. I don’t know what a mid-80's 3-series felt like but I don’t think this was it either. It’s definitely a high-optioned Chevy.