I heard this while I was making a salad and I dropped the fucking knife.
I heard this while I was making a salad and I dropped the fucking knife.
I miss his masterful side-eye.
I never thought that I would value anything LaToya ever did or said. I was wrong.
The other day I saw a great tweet about the Calvin Harris TS drama that said
You just haddddddd to mention Pet Semetary before bed, didn’t you?!
As someone who knows all the words to Roxanne, Roxanne, The Real Roxanne, AND Roxanne’s Revenge, I am ridiculously excited about this. Hell, yes.
I think you have found the only scenario that could entice me into watching that program.
“I can’t emphasize this enough: no one was making fun of Andy Griffith”
I want Fred Savage to take the Live! job, but only if Daniel Stern will give voiceover of what he is really thinking when he is doing interviews.
Sterling K. Brown (Christopher Darden) should have been nominated over Cuba Gooding (OJ).
Veep should win for “im eating so much pussy im shitting clits”
Duke will get some other cupcake to fill out their schedule.
@Hans Todd Christiansen Anderson: That fan showed more integrity and respect than 95% of the population would have in that situation.