Uniform: Flannel Shirts, Carhartt Pants, Work boots.
Uniform: Flannel Shirts, Carhartt Pants, Work boots.
Remember in your high school how all the black kids sat at one table?
Yes, yes they did. Remember, before you get all sophisticated and worldly, that out in that world, is a t least 1 billion peoples that would snarkily put "constitutional rights" in quotes like that. Because they are idiots. Somehow we were blessed to not be born idiots. Don't let them take over. Help us keep them away.
That’s a bit of a role reversal. Usually it's a dick running his Ford into a fire hydrant. Either way you’re probably looking at a bumper with a little crack in it.
I feel terrible for the guy. With such a close-knit, upstanding locker room, there's no way the Ravens will take a chance on a questionable deviant like Michael Sam.
Figures Rice couldn't manage more than 3 yards on this carry
There is no such thing as Winter Storm Hercules.
Eckleslastik, what on earth gave you the idea that you have the right to shut down a public road for any purpose whatsoever? Your logic is fucked. In addition, if any group of people I don't know coordinate to surround and confine me and my family I will move heaven and earth to get the fuck out of there. Sorry that…
So who's still defending the bikers at this point? Come on...show yourselves.
"Racism is bad and to show how racism is bad, let me make a blanket statement about a group of people based solely on their skin type!"
You're so naive, it's almost cute. But also scary at the same time. This is the old argument of "if you haven't done anything wrong, you have nothing to fear." Well, the issue is that you don't get to define what's wrong and what isn't. And what's wrong and what isn't can also change over time. This is not an…
Right, but if you read the story, you realize that's not the issue here. The issue is with the data that is collected — on everyone, not just suspects — and how long it is kept and what it is used for.
In the past few months Americans have become familiar with the myriad ways the government tracks our e-mails, phone…
That photo looks like it should be accompanied by a ransom note.
I was very disappointed in every part of this circus they have the audacity to call a trial. It felt like the prosecution just threw up their hands and were like "whatevs" during the whole thing. It was so half-assed.
"Why are people so into Yuengling?"
The most interesting man in the world got even less emphatic after changing brands.
As a police officer, this infuriates me. You can be pissed off at the government as much as you want, but endangering cops who are following orders to beat and kill protesters?
Thanks for drafting an original reply to me, rather than cutting and pasting one of your other responses! Idiot.
We should do that, for kids who can't read good and wanna learn to do other stuff good too.