Red beans and rice!
Red beans and rice!
Truer words were never spoken.
They had high hopes for that Epstein kid but they left him hanging.
They rub some dirt on it and take a lap.
You’ll be missed.
Eli’s little brother did fine, as you‘d expect. He looked like a Cutliffe product. He looke like he stares into mirrors shirtless and yells “Manning!” to psyche himself up.
#LOLMETS and all that, but dammit, they’re fun. And if they flame out - no telling, because the boys are imbued with some pretty heady mojo - they’re kids who are learning.
She can’t blink. Her eyelids would break.
Vapid Barbie makes pretty words, has no idea what she’s saying.
Ray Leis looks a man whos just finished telling someone how he’s going to take the murder rap for him.
The doggies are damned adorable but I think the crossing guard deserves a post as well. She looks like a nice lady!
Seriously, this is a gold mine.
“Tuna Labia” wins. Thank you.
I liked her so much better when I had no idea that she even existed.
Hej Brian, I can think of a couple of things off the top of my head.
Always fun to see the VW detractors out in force.
Honestly, I never knew.
Pizza Hut’s biggest problem is that their pizza just isn’t very good. I’ll eat frozen first.
Your mantra is my life’s philosophical underpinning.
Valve step snips. I’m a terrible person.