#LOLMETS and all that, but dammit, they’re fun. And if they flame out - no telling, because the boys are imbued with some pretty heady mojo - they’re kids who are learning.
#LOLMETS and all that, but dammit, they’re fun. And if they flame out - no telling, because the boys are imbued with some pretty heady mojo - they’re kids who are learning.
She can’t blink. Her eyelids would break.
Vapid Barbie makes pretty words, has no idea what she’s saying.
Ray Leis looks a man whos just finished telling someone how he’s going to take the murder rap for him.
The doggies are damned adorable but I think the crossing guard deserves a post as well. She looks like a nice lady!
Seriously, this is a gold mine.
“Tuna Labia” wins. Thank you.
I liked her so much better when I had no idea that she even existed.
Hej Brian, I can think of a couple of things off the top of my head.
Always fun to see the VW detractors out in force.
Honestly, I never knew.
Pizza Hut’s biggest problem is that their pizza just isn’t very good. I’ll eat frozen first.
Your mantra is my life’s philosophical underpinning.
Valve step snips. I’m a terrible person.
They’re not good friends or anything, if that’s what you mean.
You deserve some recognition for that.
Stars times a million.
that was quite good
Yes, and the very best of British, mate!
Maybe we should all butt out, and be happy that his girlfriend is finally legal.