Would they even know what the words mean? They are Bengals fans.
Would they even know what the words mean? They are Bengals fans.
I feel you, and respect your commitment to the craft. That said, Alaska or Yakutsk are defensive only, unless you’re at the Sherman’s March to the Sea stage and just hoovering up territories.
Fair enough, but Risk is important. Another new chicken sandwich, not so much.
Some people claim that the “Build from Australia” strategy is a surefire win, but you can also win from South America. The key I think is to hold the line from the Middle East through Afghanistan and the Urals.
The old movie formula: One Jeremiah Johnson, 7 Indians.
Jeremiah Johnson is a fine film. And yes, that’s Bob.
I mean...well,okay.
Star for your name.
Eet ees ze murmuring heepsters - zey are ze vanguard!
“could tens of millions of Americans be wrong?”
“I hope the tow truck shows up soon.”
Since I bought a house specifically because it was not on a road that the Harley idiots frequented, I will be very pleased when they are finally gone.
And in news that’s almost as good, he didn’t crash it.
Way way late, but...
Nathan’s Famous is a fine hot dog.
I didn’t know that about the “Hot Doughnuts Now” sign. Damn
thanks, duh, yes. Made the same point a few posts up.
Dear God, Ronin.
Still too compressed. like listening to them at the end of a long tunnel. Their live shows give their music room to breathe and take wing, and it’s an entirely different creature.