I got angry at Clarkson for crushing James’ Sandero. He looked so happy driving it.
I got angry at Clarkson for crushing James’ Sandero. He looked so happy driving it.
Like actually running.
Seems like fun. Caveat emptor, and all that.
Credit where credit is due, Dumb Donny the Big Doofy Orangehead has managed to get Congress to work together.
“Kentucky” is often the unfortunate word in many sentences. As well as phrases, brands, events, and a uniquely-shaped area on a map.
The day that will be forever known as the High Point of his administration.
and so very, very often wrong.
Oh, my. You win the internet today, Sir.
His only two answers could have been “fillet-o’” or “Swedish”
Ice abuse.
If not the tree itself.
Shade-tree mechanics everywhere, rejoice.
I respect your mini-van, but I don’t like it. I do, however, love my not-brown, not-diesel, not-stick wagon.
Been around since 1865.
That’s the spirit.
They’re welcome to him.
I wish I could get over my disbelief and inability to accept that lying to the United States Senate, under oath, during your confirmation hearing to become the Attorney General of the United States somehow continues to manage to be not a big deal.
Insert obligatory Skyline Chili joke here.
So vastly.
My resolve is for him to be kidnapped and found years later as a Ladyboy in Thailand.