Weird Fishes

It was the prayer. Prayer always helps.

I thought that was Mrs. Jones’ job: The not moving part.

Kaypros never die.

Oh, the bears will get you. If they want you, they’ll have you. They’ll eat you right up.

About $2K too much.

That is a VW Fox. Brazillian built, was imported into the States in two versions (a coupe and wagon, if memory serves) back in the late 80s. They were slow and loud and cheap but pretty well screwed together.

My credit card.

Nice Jetta.

On top of that the Atlas doesn’t really look that different fdrom anything else on the road. It’s very “me too,” very disappointing. VW’s behavior is puzzling. I’m a TDI owner who’s taking the buyout. I was talking to a VW dealer about the Alltrack last week and no, they’re not dealing. He also mentioned - casually -

My thought too. The scoop to the bottom of the bag is key

Yes but does it come in brown.

.201? I admire your optimism.

I dunno. Without the joint ash, isn’t it really just a Manwich?

Damn. Blinded by the smile.

“And starting at first base for your 2017 New York Mets, Tim Tebow.”

Let the comeback begin.

And glugs. Can’t forget the glugs.

Jesus, you two. It was pretty much exactly what I was expecting - it was great.

Diamond cutters, remember those TV commercials?

Agreed. And I’d add that if you are going to reach that far back you will always do far worse than a straight mechanical Honda. They just don’t break.