
The moral of your comment is learn how to detect humor

Did you not drink it? It makes your tea taste so much better

But I thought LEDs are supposed to last a million hours /s

This would be only useful to the Gizmodo staff since everyone else uses a case

If you get a HTC phone w/ Beats Audio, you won't need to get this

I hope you have one of those HTC phones w/ Beats baked in to take full advantage

If it's something that chisels away at the privacy of its citizens, the gubmint is all for it. What I find interesting is when the PATRIOT Act was passed, people were making noise about how big brother could see what you're reading at the library. Instead of passing new laws that violate our privacy, they should

Exact water temperature is more useful than mass of the grounds. I'll wait til they release a version that turns the iPhone into a thermometer also

Wait for v2

Yes, so was my comment

You forgot to factor in the cost of the pods

The Clock App already has this feature; it's called Timer and looks like an hourglass

This is for the new Aeropress v2.0 w/ Bluetooth

This is almost as useless as fart apps. Aeropress is one of the simplest brewing methods ever. The only way this would be useful is if it came w/ a grinder, a scale, and a thermometer.

That looks damn ugly and while your designer's renders have looked great in the past, these look like they were done in ten minutes using the transform tool on an iPod photo

Apple's not the only game in town

So you're saying Apple should pay the labels more so the artists can get more?

You're taking that out of context

I never said Apple's service would be cheaper than its competitors. The article implies that the labels are getting a raw deal and that's what I was commenting on

I made no such assertion. I was commenting on article's implication that the record labels are getting a raw deal