
What Dr. Shechner fails to consider is that refrigerators were built a lot better in the 50s before we outsourced all our manufacturing to China and Mexico. Combine that w/ the HGH that Indy was taking to prepare for the role and he's pretty much nuke proof. But just to be sure, I'm gonna submit this to the

What Dr. Shechner fails to consider is that refrigerators were built a lot better in the 50s before we outsourced all our manufacturing to China and Mexico. Combine that w/ the HGH that Indy was taking to prepare for the role and he's pretty much nuke proof. But just to be sure, I'm gonna submit this to the

I don't get it. Does the QQ iPhone app sign all messages w/ "Sent from my iPhone?"

that's a selling point

That's ridiculous. It's obvious that the second shooter used a time machine to evade capture and re-emerge in 2012 to shoot this woman

If you punch in the name of the city, it'll show you the city center. What you're seeing on Google is the distance between the center of Juarez and the center of El Paso.

"...that doesn't make them right for everyone, or even most people, in most situations."

wow... this gave me a headache faster than the original doom

Matt's leaving? That sucks. He's the last original Gizmodo writer-except for Jesus-from when I started reading this blog. Good luck Matt!!

nice to see someone actually took econ 101 rather than just regurgitating the nonsense they hear from politicians

Soviet Union? Really? Please elaborate because I'm pretty sure they were not a capitalist system and one of the reasons for its collapse was the controls on economic inputs like the one you're suggesting

wouldn't the clone reject you also?

the passengers will be dying of laughter

Well where are we supposed to put our weapons? Have you seen the prices for checked luggage lately?

hehe... i was focusing on "ass toaster" but yea, toaster ovens are great. i prefer the cheaper ones over the fancy digital ones

you have to spend at least $100 for a nice ass toaster oven. there's nothing worse than burnt ass

this toaster can do it in 9 seconds

"Clearly, I need a drink."

same price at walmart if you can't wait for shipping

the next time you look at a chick wearing bikini bottoms and pasties, you'll see a happy face