this company needs to hire better looking booth babes for conventions
this company needs to hire better looking booth babes for conventions
so you're suggesting that the FCC should use AT&T's promotional material and then get anecdotal examples from families/friends to test AT&T's claims?
The really sad thing is these people were able to procreate
my windows mobile 6.5 phone looked like that when it was new
that was a pretty impressive audition. i say we just give them the award
it's too bad they didn't win after this incident
their child will be the chosen one
Star Wars engagement photos are not as cool as Star Trek engagement photos.
these people are either just crazy or don't understand the concept that time has value. even unemployed people can get a holiday job at minimum wage and earn the extra $50 to buy that shitty insignia or dynex tv at regular price and do it in a fraction of the time they'd have to wait on the line
that picture in the lower right is the perfect reason not to put all your expensive gear inside a box on top of a tripod at a wedding
the director wants you to say it with more intensity
perhaps a HD video where he blows up the old camera?
But he actually has money
His next trick should be to take the $200 and go buy a decent camera that does HD video
yea, i'm not sure what mario meant by months w/o a charge. maybe he snaps a few shots and puts it away for a few months before using it again. but then the s100 should do that too right?
maybe he's only half as illiterate as you think. some of the mistakes could be to save space
I always thought alkalines worked better in my flash than my Eneloops but I never really paid too much attention so you may be right. The voltage might not be right for cameras but rechargeable AA Li-ions would be great for everything else except profits from alkaline batteries
You have a point; if you're stuck in the middle of nowhere, it would be easier to find AAs than proprietary batteries. But I disagree with you about costs. If you use Li-ions only once, then lithium AAs would cost less but that's ignoring that you get multiple uses out of Li-ions. Also, I use third party batteries…
If you're able to get some extra AAs before a trip, you can also get some spare Li-ions. AAs are a good backup if you're away from civilization for extended periods and don't have the foresight to get some extra Li-ions but Li-ions perform much better than alkaline or NiMh AAs especially if you're using the flash. …
One thing I'm still confused about is why crop sensor cameras are recommended for sports and bird photography. A 100mm lens will give you a 150mm or 160mm equivalent but isn't this the same as shooting full frame and cropping the image in post so the subject fills the frame?