is wirefly a reputable company now?
is wirefly a reputable company now?
wow... this dood is a reel moran
wouldn't this create condensation?
so this is why the birds are dying
i'd like to watch this w/ the inception soundtrack
@presto117: pc software running slow on a tablet? "to the cloud!!"
you can use a pw but the cop will probably arrest you for obstruction and any other creative charges they can come up with, if you don't give it up
@Gemini-Phoenix: my comment was tongue in cheek but it does imply that the n8 has caught up to the competition (not just iphone but android, webos, maybe blackberry). i was pointing out the irony in your comment where you criticize the poor camera quality of past phones compared to nokia phones while nokia phones,…
@rebeldevil: your instructor must've been in a bad mood. my test was four left turns
@Gemini-Phoenix: nokia has had nice cameras for a while but it's about time nokia phones caught up to the competition
"Seems a bit of a shame to spend $799 on something no one will ever see..."
@kall: you must be related to janet napolitano
@ChestRockwell18: instead of fire hoses, they're spending all that money on RPGs... suckers!
@RevProtocol: look on the bright side... you won't have to worry about counterfeit bills during your next drug deal
@vinod1978: $65M in the hole is why they're still promoting this. that's a pretty big loss to just write off
why couldn't this be solar? we don't all live in the basement
@mykpfsu77: but that 60% isn't going to cut up their plastic or start doing wire transfers over ebay out of protest. with the exception of politicians, i haven't heard of anyone making any noise about mc, visa, paypal, amazon, etc., support for wikileaks
@UltraAwesome: why would doing business w/ wikileaks reduce profits? are merchants going to switch to discover in protest?
how'd they stick a full size keyboard into a 12" laptop?
@applefandan: the phone is probably locked